Leah Okenwa Emegwa

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Leah Okenwa Emegwa - The Swedish Red Cross University. Photo: Sören Andersson

Title: Ph.D., Associate Professor 
Department: Department of Health Sciences
Phone: +46(0)8 - 8-587 516 79
E-mail: leah.emegwa.okenwa@rkh.se
ORCID: 0000-0003-0459-1496
Dissertation year: 2011
Thesis: Intimate Partner Violence Among Women of Reproductive Age in Nigeria: Magnitude, Nature and Consequences for Reproductive Health
ResearchGate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Leah-Okenwa-Emegwa
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/leah-okenwa-emegwa-20b9509a/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/LeahOkenwa

About me

I am a licenced clinical optometrist with O.D (Doctor of Optometry) obtained in 2000. My working experience includes primary health care, community eye care as well as aviation optometry and vision ergonomics. Experiences in these various settings were fundamental in shaping my interest in public health generally, and my current teaching and research interests in occupational health and global health concerns more specifically. I hold a Masters (2006) and PhD (2011) in public health Sciences, from Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden.

I joined the Swedish Red Cross University in 2017 after nearly five years at the University of Gävle. I am currently an Associate Professor of Public health sciences. I teach public health related subjects at undergraduate and graduate levels, for example research methods, epidemiology, gender, inequalities in health, human rights, and occupational health promotion. I have previously served as director of education for public health sciences and vice dean of education at the Swedish Red Cross University.

Research profile

My research is anchored in social medicine and deals with issues related to social determinants of health, inequalities in health and human rights-based approach to health. These include global perspectives on interpersonal violence, (including family and gender-based violence), workplace health promotion, mental health, and migrant and refugee health, among others. I am also interested in issues related to teaching and learning in higher education and how they can be applied to address issues related to social change.

Brief facts

  • Swedish Red Cross University representative at The Association of Schools of Public Health in the European Region (ASPHER) and their various projects
  • Swedish Red Cross University representative in Flemingsberg Science Foundation
  • Guest editor Frontiers in Public Health and Socialmedicinsk tidskrift
  • Reviewer for various scientific journals.
  • Author of several articles


Okenwa Emegwa, L., Paillard-Borg,S., Wallin Lundell. I, Stålberg, A., Åling, M., Ahlenius, G, & Eriksson, H. (2021). Våga fråga och agera! Undervisnings- och lärandeaktiviteter om mäns våld mot kvinnor och våld i nära relationer i sjuksköterskeprogrammet vid Röda Korsets Högskola. Socialmedicinsk tidskrift, 98(4). 671-683

Okenwa-Emegwa, L., Tinghög, P., Vaez, M., & Saboonchi, F. (2021). Exposure to Violence Among Syrian Refugee Women Preflight and During Flight: A Population-Based Cross-Sectional Study in Sweden. SAGE Open11(3), 21582440211031555.

Åling, M., Lindgren, A., Löfall, H., & Okenwa-Emegwa, L. (2021). A Scoping Review to Identify Barriers and Enabling Factors for Nurse–Patient Discussions on Sexuality and Sexual Health. Nursing Reports, 11(2), 253-266.

Okenwa-Emegwa, L., & Eriksson, H. (2020). Lessons learned from teaching nursing students about equality, equity, human rights, and forced migration through roleplay in an inclusive classroom. Sustainability, 12(17), 7008.

Sigblad, F., Savela, M., & Okenwa-Emegwa, L. (2020). Managers' Perceptions of Factors Affecting Employees' Uptake of Workplace Health Promotion (WHP) Offers. Frontiers in Public Health, 8.

Okenwa-Emegwa, L., Saboonchi, F., Mittendorfer-Rutz, E., Helgesson, M., & Tinghög, P. (2019). Prevalence and predictors of low future expectations among Syrian refugees resettled in Sweden. Heliyon, 5(10), e02554.

Okenwa-Emegwa, L. (2019). Globala perspektiv på våld i nära relationer-en granskning av doktorsavhandlingar vid Karolinska Institutet, Sverige. Socialmedicinsk tidskrift, 96(4), 558-573.

Okenwa Emegwa, L. (2019). Doctoral Theses as a Source of Knowledge Production for IPV Prevention: A Literature Review of Doctoral Theses at a Swedish University. The Open Public Health Journal, 12(1).

Nanyanzi, S., Okenwa-Emegwa, L & Stephen, L. (2018). HIV Testing Among Women of Reproductive Age Exposed to Intimate Partner Violence in Uganda. The Open Public Health Journal, 11(1).

Okenwa-Emegwa, L., & von Strauss, E. (2018). Higher education as a platform for capacity building to address violence against women and promote gender equality: the Swedish example. Public health reviews, 39(1), 31.

Okenwa-Emegwa, L. & Koustuv, D. (2018). Length of Stay in Hospital Following Occupational Injury. J Epidemiol Public Health Rev, 3(1).

Okenwa-Emegwa, L. (2017). Risk factors of occupational injuries due to loss of control, falls and overexertion. Journal of epidemiology and public health reviews, 2(2), e140-e140.

Okenwa-Emegwa, L., Paillard-Borg, S., Tinghög, P., Saboonchi, F., & von Strauss, E. (2017). Framtidens hälsovetare verkar på en global arena. Socialmedicinsk tidskrift, 94(3), 318-326.

Okenwa-Emegwa, L., Paillard-Borg, S., Tinghög, P., Saboonchi, F., & von Strauss, E. I. (2017). A global workspace is the emerging reality for future public health workforce (English version)

Okenwa-Emegwa, L., Lawoko, S., & Jansson, B. (2016). Attitudes toward physical intimate partner violence against women in Nigeria. Sage Open, 6(4), 2158244016667993.

Okenwa Emegwa, L. (2014). Determinants of sick leave duration following occupational injuries among workers in the county of Gävleborg, Sweden. Occupational Medicine & Health Affairs, 2(4).

Okenwa, L., Lawoko, S., & Jansson, B. (2011). Contraception, reproductive health and pregnancy outcomes among women exposed to intimate partner violence in Nigeria. The European Journal of Contraception & Reproductive Health Care, 16(1), 18-25.

Okenwa, L., & Lawoko, S. (2010). Social indicators and physical abuse of women by intimate partners: A study of women in Zambia. Violence and Victims, 25(2), 278.

Okenwa, L., Lawoko, S., & Jansson, B. (2009). Factors associated with disclosure of intimate partner violence among women in Lagos, Nigeria. Journal of injury and violence research, 1(1), 37.

Okenwa, L. E., Lawoko, S., & Jansson, B. (2009). Exposure to intimate partner violence amongst women of reproductive age in Lagos, Nigeria: Prevalence and predictors. Journal of Family Violence, 24(7), 517-530.