Petter Tinghög

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Petter Tinghög at the Swedish Red Cross University College. Photo: Sören Andersson

Title: Associate professor
Department: Department of Health Sciences
Phone: +46(0)8 - 587 516 51
ORCID: 0000-0001-6138-6427
Dissertation year: 2009
Thesis: Migration, stress and mental ill health: Post-migration factors and experiences in the Swedish context (Doctoral dissertation, Linköping University Electronic Press)

About me

I have a PhD in the interdisciplinary scientific field “Theme health and society” at Linköping university. Since earlier I have a master’s degree in “International Migration and Ethnic Relations” (IMER) at Stockholm university. I have been working as an associate professor and researcher at the Swedish Red Cross University since 2015.

Research profile

My research has primarily been focused on the associations between and various aspects of migration and mental health and socio-economic consequences of chronic illness. My research has largely been based on population-based data from registers and questionnaires and the analyses have been conducted by using various epidemiological methods.

Brief facts

  • Author to about 50 scientific articles
  • Affiliated to the research group “Inequalities in health and minority stress” at the division of psychology, Karolinska Institutet
  • Teacher in courses such as scientific theory, Methods and Migration and Health
  • An interdisciplinary researcher, conducting research mainly from a socio-epidemiological perspective.

Publications (example)

Garoff, F., Tinghög, P., Suvisaari, J., Lilja, E., & Castaneda, A. E. (2021). Iranian and Iraqi torture survivors in Finland and Sweden: findings from two population-based studies. European journal of public health.

Amin, R., Helgesson, M., Runeson, B., Tinghög, P., Mehlum, L., Qin, P., Holmes, E. A., & Mittendorfer-Rutz, E. (2021). Suicide attempt and suicide in refugees in Sweden–a nationwide population-based cohort study. Psychological medicine, 51(2), 254-263.

Malm, A., Tinghög, P., Narusyte, J., & Saboonchi, F. (2020). The refugee post-migration stress scale (RPMS)–development and validation among refugees from Syria recently resettled in Sweden. Conflict and health, 14(1), 1-12.

Murley, C., Mogard, O., Wiberg, M., Alexanderson, K., Karampampa, K., Friberg, E., & Tinghög, P. (2018). Trajectories of disposable income among people of working ages diagnosed with multiple sclerosis: a nationwide register-based cohort study in Sweden 7 years before to 4 years after diagnosis with a population-based reference group. BMJ open, 8(5), e020392.

Tinghög, P., Malm, A., Arwidson, C., Sigvardsdotter, E., Lundin, A., & Saboonchi, F. (2017). Prevalence of mental ill health, traumas and postmigration stress among refugees from Syria resettled in Sweden after 2011: a population-based survey. BMJ open, 7(12), e018899.