Stéphanie Paillard-Borg

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Stéphanie Paillard-Borg at the Swedish Red Cross University. Photo: Sören Andersson

Name: Stéphanie Paillard Borg
Title: Ph.D., Associate Professor
Department: Health Sciences
Phone: +46 709529161
Dissertation year: 2009
Thesis: Leisure activities at old age and their influence on dementia development

About me

I am a psychologist, epidemiologist, and senior lecturer in public health as well as deputy head in public health at the Swedish Red Cross University.

My international background within psychology and mental health, journalism and epidemiology motivate my research curiosity to study the epidemiological transition from different cultural contexts, geographical angles, and historical standpoints in countries such as Ghana, Japan, Switzerland, and Sweden.

The global demographic and epidemiological patterns are changing rapidly as we go through the twenty-first century. It is largely characterized by overall low birth and death rates globally. This well-known fact is associated with population growth at least for the next 50 years. Consequently, the current global epidemiological transition, represented by change in disease patterns, affects expected life expectancies and survival rates, and is related to an overall change in social organizations and structures.

Research profile

My main scientific interest is to concentrate on these intertwined, global and rapid demographic, social, economic and political development from a public health perspective. My research has focused for many years on the global feminization of migration and its consequences, and how these changes affect women's lives.

My ongoing project "Analytical Journalistic Approach to Public Health Research" combines aspects of investigative journalism and explanatory reporting. The project is a combined scientific and journalistic aspiration to hear women's "voices" globally about important issues where they play key roles. This approach aims at giving meaning to complex public health problems in order to promote an enhanced understanding. Projects seek answers to the growing complexity of a globalized world and its information overflow.

The recent years, I have been teaching and researching on the subject of global nursing in term of its application on the work of future nurses but also its significance in this fast evolving world.

Brief facts

  • Analytic journalistic approach
  • Globala feminization of migration
  • Epidemiology
  • Health care and aging
  • Global health and global nursing

Publication (selected)

Fratiglioni, L., Paillard-Borg, S., & Winblad, B. (2004). An active and socially integrated lifestyle in late life might protect against dementia. Lancet Neurology, 3, 343-353.

Karp, A., Paillard-Borg, S., Wang, H.-X., Silverstein, M., Winblad, B. & Fratiglioni, L. (2006). Mental, physical and social components in leisure activities equally contribute to decrease dementia risk. Dementia and Geriatric Cognitive Disorders, 21, 65-73.

Paillard-Borg, S., Wang, H.-X., Winblad, B. & Fratiglioni, L. (2009). Pattern of participation in leisure activities among older people in relation to their health conditions and contextual factors: A survey in a Swedish urban area. Ageing and Society, 29, 803-21.

Paillard-Borg S, Fratiglioni L, Winblad B & Wang H-X. (2009). Leisure activities in late life in relation to dementia risk: principal component analysis. Dementia and Geriatric Cognitive Disorders, 28, 136–144.

Paillard-Borg, S., Fratiglioni, L., Xu, W., Winblad, B. & Wang, H.-X. (2012). An active lifestyle postpones dementia onset by more than one year in very old adults. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, 4, 835-842.

Paillard-Borg, S. & Strömberg, L. (2014). The importance of reciprocity for female caregivers in a super-aged society: a qualitative journalistic approach. Health Care for Women International, 35, 1367-79.

Xu, W., Zhang, H., Paillard-Borg, S., Zhu, H., Qi, X. & Rizzuto, D. (2016). Prevalence of Overweight and Obesity among Chinese Adults: Role of Adiposity Indicators and Age. Obesity Facts, 9, 17-28.

Paillard-Borg, S. & Holmgren, J. (2016). Immigration, Women, and Japan - A Leap Ahead and a Step Behind: A Qualitative Journalistic Approach. SAGE Open, 6(4), 1–7.

Song, F., Bao, C., Deng, M., Xu, H., Fan, M., Paillard-Borg, S., Xu, W. & Qi X. (2016).The prevalence and determinants of hypothyroidism in hospitalized patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. Endocrine, 55(1), 179-185.

Zhang, H., Deng, M., Xu, H., Wang, H., Song, F., Bao, C., Paillard-Borg, S., Xu, W. & Qi, X. (2016). Pre- and undiagnosed-hypertension in urban Chinese adults: a population-based cross-sectional study. Journal of human hypertension, 31(4), 1-7.

Zhang, H., Xu, H., Song, F., Xu, W., Paillard-Borg, S. & Qi, X. (2017). Relation of socioeconomic status to overweight and obesity: a large population-based study of Chinese adults. Annals of human biology, 44(6), 495-501.

Emegwa Okenwa L., Paillard-Borg, S., Tinghög, P., Saboonchi, F. & von Strauss, E. (2017). A global workspace is the emerging reality for future public health workforce. Socialmedicinsk tidskrift, 94(3), 318-326.

Emegwa Okenwa, L., Paillard-Borg S., Tinghög, P., Saboonchi, F., & von Strauss, E. (2017). Framtidens folkhälsovetare verkar på en global arena. Socialmedicinsk tidskrift, 94(3), 318-326.

Eva von Strauss, E., Paillard-Borg, S., Holmgren, J. & Saaristo. S. (2017). Global nursing in an Ebola viral haemorrhagic fever outbreak: before, during and after deployment. Global Health action, 10(1), 1371427.

Paillard-Borg, S., & Halberg, D. (2018). The other side of the mirror: an analytic journalistic approach to the subjective well-being of Filipino migrant women in Japan? SAGE Open, 8(1), 1-10.

Holmgren, J., Paillard‐Borg, S., Saaristo, P., & von Strauss, E. (2019). Nurses’ experiences of health concerns, teamwork, leadership and knowledge transfer during an Ebola outbreak in West Africa. Nursing Open, 6(3), 824–833.

Paillard-Borg, S., Holmgren, J., Saaristo. S. & Eva von Strauss, E. (2020). Nurses in an Ebola viral haemorrhagic fever outbreak: Facing and preparing for psychosocial challenges. SAGE Open, 10(2), 2158244020920658.

Bashkin, O., Dopelt, K., Mor, Z., Leighton, L., Otok, R., Duplaga, M., ...Stéphanie Paillard-Borg… & Davidovitch, N. (2021). The Future Public Health Workforce in a Changing World: A Conceptual Framework for a European–Israeli Knowledge Transfer Project. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(17), 9265.

Emegwa, L., Paillard-Borg, S., Wallin Lundell, I., Stålberg, A., Åling, M., Ahlenius, G., & Eriksson, H. (2021). Våga fråga och agera!: Undervisnings-och lärandeaktiviteter om mäns våld mot kvinnor och våld i nära relationer i sjuksköterskeprogrammet vid Röda Korsets Högskola. Socialmedicinsk tidskrift, 98(4), 671-683.

Paillard Borg, S., & Kraft, M. (2021). Becoming a global nurse: A thematic and interpretive analysis of bachelor's theses at the Swedish Red Cross University College. Nordic Journal of Nursing Research, 20571585211050331.