Information about the questionnaire survey

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How does the survey work?

We ask you to answer a survey. You are responding anonymously. We ask questions about your health and well-being, your experiences of support, whether you have experienced any discrimination and how you experienced the treatment from the healthcare system. The survey takes about 10-20 minutes to answer. You can answer the survey regardless of whether you migrated to Sweden as a refugee or for another reason. To participate in the study, you need to be 18 years or older.

Possible consequences and risks of participating in the project

Participation in the survey study is not seen to entail any risks.

What happens to my data?

We do not ask you in the survey for any identifiable information such as name or social security number. Your answers will be analyzed at group level and the results will be presented as articles in scientific journals. No individual will be able to be identified. Data is stored in password-protected storage for 10 years in locked fireproof cabinets at the Department of Health Sciences, The Red Cross University, as well as in encrypted digital storage spaces. Collected material is handled confidentially. Your answers will be processed so that unauthorized persons cannot access them.

Responsible for your personal data is The Red Cross University. According to the EU's data protection regulation, you have the right to access the information about you that is handled in the project free of charge, and if necessary to have any errors corrected. You can also request that information about you be deleted and that the processing of your personal data be restricted. However, the right to erasure and to limit the processing of personal data does not apply when the data is necessary for the current research. If you want to access the information, please contact Tommy Carlsson (e-mail:, phone: 08-587 516 21). The Data Protection Officer can be reached at If you are dissatisfied with the way your personal data is processed, you have the right to file a complaint with the Swedish Data Protection Authority, which is the supervisory authority.

How do I get information about the results of the project?

Since the survey is answered anonymously, you cannot subsequently request access to your individual data. If you want to read about the results, you can contact the researcher in charge. In the event of unforeseen findings, these may be reported in scientific articles

Insurance and compensation

No insurance is applicable, as you are answering a shorter questionnaire. You will not be compensated for completing the survey.

Participation is voluntary

Your participation is voluntary. By filling out the questionnaire, you show that you agree to participate in the study.Researcher in charge of the project Tommy Carlsson, Associate professor, Department of Health Science, The Swedish Red Cross University
E-mail:, Phone: 08- 587 516 21
Address: Hälsovägen 11C, 141 57 Huddinge 

 I agree to participate in the survey [tar deltagaren till enkäten]