We are looking for LGBTQ+persons with experience of migrating to Sweden

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We would like to ask you if you would like to participate in a research project. Here you can read information about the project and what it means to participate.

What kind of project is it and why do you want me to participate?

The purpose is to explore experiences of migrating from another country and coming to Sweden as LGBTQ+. In this project, we define LGBTQ+ as homosexual, bisexual, transgender and person with other queer expressions or identities. The fact that we include + means that we also include people with other sexual orientations, gender expressions and gender identities, who do not only identify as heterosexual and as a cis-person. You who identify as LGBTQ+ can participate in the study regardless of whether you came to Sweden as a refugee or for another reason. To participate in the study, you need to be 18 years or older.

The organization principally responsible for the research project is The Red Cross University. The project is approved by the Swedish Ethics Review Authority [approval number: 2022-01483-01].

What does the project entail?

We ask you to answer a survey anonymously and/or to participate in an interview. We ask questions about your health and well-being, your experiences of support, whether you have experienced any discrimination and how you experienced the treatment from the healthcare system.

Your participation is voluntary and you can choose to cancel your participation at any time.

Researcher in charge of the project

Tommy Carlsson, Associate professor, Department of Health Science, The Swedish Red Cross University
E-mail: tommy.carlsson@rkh.se, Phone: 08- 587 516 21
Address: Hälsovägen 11C, 141 57 Huddinge

Choose below in which way you are interested in participating. You will then receive information about what you choose. You can choose more than one option.

I am interested in answering a survey. [Tar personen till studieinformationen om enkäten]

You can answer the survey regardless of whether you came to Sweden as a refugee or for other reasons. The survey takes about 10-20 minutes to answer, and you will receive no compensation for participating.  

 I am interested in being interviewed via computer/telephone or on-site. [Tar personen till studieinformationen om intervjun]

Only you who came to Sweden as a refugee can register your interest in being interviewed. The interview takes approximately one to two hours and you will receive a gift card worth SEK 500.