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64 Search result
Maria Jirwe
Maria Jirwe | Swedish Red Cross University Maria Jirwe is a professor at the Swedish Red Cross University. Title: Professor, RN Department: Department of Health Sciences Phone: +46(0)8 - 587 516 40 E-mail: ORCID: 0000-0003-4570-4047
Education Nursing programmes and courses at the Swedish Red Cross University. Training highly respected and valued nurses since 1867, the Swedish Red Cross University is one of the most popular universities in nursing education in Sweden. Founded with Emmy
Information about the interview study
Information for research participants We want to ask you if you would like to participate in a research project. Here you can read information about the project and what it means to participate. What kind of project is it and why do you want me to participate?
We are looking for LGBTQ+persons with experience of migrating to Sweden
We would like to ask you if you would like to participate in a research project. Here you can read information about the project and what it means to participate. What kind of project is it and why do you want me to participate? The purpose is to explore
Resiliency, Mental Health and Social Participation among Refugees
Resiliency, Mental Health and Social Participation among Refugees Resiliency, Mental Health and Social Participation among Refugees (RMSR) is a research project funded by the Swedish Research Council for Health, Working Life and Welfare (Forte). The research
Children who have survived torture
Children who have survived torture Why is research on children who have been subjected to torture needed? The knowledge about children who have survived torture is very limited, despite the fact that there is no indication that children are subjected to
About the campus and your studies
Campus and your studies Campus and your studies | Swedish Red Cross University About the campus and your studies. Campus and your studies | Swedish Red Cross University Here you find useful information about the university campus, about what you should think
Erasmus+ at The Swedish Red Cross University
Erasmus+ at The Swedish Red Cross University Opportunities to develop new education perspectives and deepen their intercultural competence. At the Swedish Red Cross University, we strive to give both students and staff opportunities to develop new education
Mina studier
International exchange
International exchange Information about international student exchange opportunities at the Swedish Red Cross University. The Swedish Red Cross University is one of Sweden’s most attractive higher educational institutions in nursing. Here, students acquire an
Stakeholders: Perspectives, Policies & Strategies
Stakeholders: Perspectives, Policies & Strategies - Social participation and mental health in laws and policy documents concerning the establishment of newly arrived refugees Social participation is important for a person’s well-being and mental health. A