Functional disability means permanent physical, mental or intellectual limitations of a person’s functional ability which, as a result of an injury, condition or illness, has arisen thereafter or can be expected to occur (Swedish Discrimination Act).
Temporary restrictions of a person’s functional capacity are not a functional disability.
Coordinator for students with functional disability
The university’s coordinator for students with functional disability designs and grants pedagogical support in consultation with the student and issues thereafter a certificate. Functional disability must be verified by a certificate or an official statement.
You are welcome to contact the coordinator for students with functional disability in connection with the start of your studies at the Swedish Red Cross University:
Educational support
The Swedish Red Cross University offers the following student support:
- Help with taking notes from classes, a fellow student takes notes for a fee
- Extended time for written examination (not valid for home examination)
- Computer support for written examinations
- Written examination in a small group / small room
- Adapted course literature, for example with talking books via the Södertörn University Library
- Hearing loops are available in selected classrooms
- The library’s help and support
Registration of special support before the exam
You register yourself, before each written examination, the different kind of the granted forms of support you need to use by e-mailing
Incoming exchange student
If you plan an exchange period at the Swedish Red please contact The International Team at