Second intervention workshop

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The research team is thrilled to announce that our second workshop with forced migrants identifying as LGBTQ+ was a resounding success! Our participatory action research approach means that contributors with lived experience are involved in shaping future research delivering psychosocial support interventions. During our latest workshop, we focused on the process of finding and exchanging peer support. The contributors in the workshop provided valuable insights that will help guide the upcoming sessions and research plans.

The workshop involved activities related to prioritization of challenges encountered by the target population, and storytelling exercises illustrating the peer support journey. Participants worked collaboratively to prioritize the focus in future research. A range of highly prioritized areas were identified, which will guide the stucture and outcomes in studies moving forward.

- We are committed to continuing to work closely with forced migrants identifying as LGBTQ+, to center their perspectives and needs in our research process. We remain excited about the potential positive impact of co-producing interventions delivering psychosocial support. We thank the collaborators for their valuable contributions and look forward to sharing more updates soon! Says Tommy Carlsson, who is the pricipal investigator and project leader.

Tommy Carlsson. Foto: Privat

Hälsovetenskapliga institutionen

Tommy Carlsson

Docent, lektor

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