Titel: Professor i omvårdnad, leg. sjuksköterska
Institution: Hälsovetenskapliga institutionen
Tel: +46(0)8 - 587 516 40
E-post: maria.jirwe@rkh.se
ORCID: 0000-0003-4570-4047
Disputationsår: 2008
Avhandling: Cultural Competence in Nursing
ResearchGate: www.researchgate.net/profile/Maria_Jirwe
LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/maria-jirwe-a460212/
Twitter: twitter.com/mariajirwe
Om mig
Jag blev sjuksköterska 1987 och intensivvårdssjuksköterska 1990. Jag har arbetat inom intensivvård sedan jag blev färdig sjuksköterska främst inom neonatal- och barnintensivvård. Jag började arbeta som lärare vid Karolinska Institutet 2000 och avlade medicine doktorsexamen 2008. Åtta år senare, 2016 antogs jag som docent i omvårdnad. Idag arbetar jag som professor vid Röda Korsets Högskola och är utbildningsansvarig.
Min forskning sträcker sig över flera områden som högskolepedagogisk forskning och forskning inom kulturell kompetens. Jag samarbetar med såväl sjuksköterskor, läkare, psykologer och pedagoger inom de olika forskningsprojekten. Forskningsprojekt inom högskolepedagogik handlar bland annat om bedömningsinstrument för att bedöma studenter objektivt och på lika grunder, vilket är viktigt ur ett studenträttsligt perspektiv. Ett annat forskningsprojekt rör hur ambulanspersonal ska kunna arbeta mer effektivt och säkert vid allvarliga händelser med hjälp av virtuell verklighet och artificiell intelligens. Inom området kulturell kompetens har jag bland annat studerat kulturell kompetens hos sjuksköterskor samt föräldrars erfarenheter av kulturell kompetens hos sjuksköterskor inom barnsjukvården. För närvarande samarbetar jag kring två forskningsprojekt inom området kulturell kompetens. Det första projektet rör kulturell kompetens bland sjuksköterskor inom barnsjukvården medan det andra rör framtagandet av en kulturellt anpassad undervisningsmodell om diabetes och diabetesvård, för migranter diagnostiserade med typ 2 diabetes. Slutligen studerar jag föräldrars upplevelser av kylbehandling av deras nyfödda baby som har drabbats av syrebrist i samband med förlossningen.
- Författare till ett lärobokskapitel ”Kulturell mångfald” i boken Omvårdnadens grunder – perspektiv och förhållningssätt.
- Medlem i redaktionsstyrelsens rådgivande kommitté för tidskriften Nurse Researcher
- Författare till ett 50-tal vetenskapliga artiklar
- Träning kan minska alkoholkonsumtionen
- Känsla av kontroll påverkar patienter med bukspottkörtelcancer i det postoperativa förloppet, visar studie om smärtlindringsbehandling
- Forskning om alkoholberoende tilldelas miljonbelopp från Systembolagets Alkoholforskningsråd
- Beviljat anslag för forskning om flyktingar som identifierar sig som HBTQ+
- Upplevelser efter flykt bland personer som identifierar sig som HBTQ+ sammanställda i ny forskningsrapport
- Forskning är teamwork – om forskning vid Röda Korsets Högskola
- Forskning om flyktingar och HBTQ+ tilldelas 4,9 miljoner från Forte
- Kulturell kompetens viktigt för vårdpersonal som arbetar med diabetespatienter
- Licentiatavhandling om psykisk hälsa bland flyktingar spikades
- Den enkla vården kan öka överlevnaden bland kritiskt sjuka patienter
Publikationer (exempel)
Polberger, S, Jirwe, M, & Svenningsen, N.W. (1998). Silastic central venous catheters for blood sampling and infusions in newborn infants. Prenatal and Neonatal Medicine, (3), 340-345.
Jirwe, M., Gerrish, K., Emami, A. (2006). The theoretical framework of cultural competence. The Journal of Multicultural Nursing and Health, 12, (3). 6-16.
Momeni, P., Jirwe, M., & Emami, A. (2008). Enabling nursing students to become cultural competent- A documentary analysis of curriculum in all Swedish nursing programs. Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences, 22, (4). 499-506. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19068045
Jirwe, M. Gerrish, K., Keeney, S., & Emami, A. (2009). Identifying the core components of cultural competence: findings from a Delphi study. Journal of Clinical nursing, 18, (18). 2622-2634. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19538568
Jirwe, M., Gerrish, K., & Emami, A. (2010). Student nurses experiences of communication in cross-cultural care encounters. Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences, 24, (3). 436-444.
Olt, H., Jirwe, M., Gustavsson, P., & Emami, A. (2010). Psychometric Evaluation of the Swedish Adaptation of the Inventory for Assessing the Process of Cultural Competence among Healthcare Professionals- Revised (IAPCC-R). Journal of Transcultural Nursing, 21, (1). 55-64.
Jirwe, M., & Rudman, A. (2012). Why choose a career in nursing? Journal of Advanced Nursing, 68 (7). 1615-1623. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22435896
Kokkonen Nassef, S., Blennow, M., & Jirwe, M. (2013). Experiences of parents whose newborn infants undergo hypothermia treatment following perinatal asphyxia. Journal of Obstetric, Gynecologic, and Neonatal Nursing. 42(1). 38-47. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23167672
Brandberg, C., Blomqvist, H., & Jirwe, M. (2013). How great importance does age has on treatment of the elderly within ICU - A retrospective study of patients aged ≥ 65 year. Acta Anaestesiological Scandinavica, 57(6). 698-703. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23373851
Austin, P., Henderson, S., Power, I., Jirwe, M., & Ålander T. (2013). An international Delphi study to assess the need for multiaxial criteria in diagnosis and management of functional gastrointestinal disorders. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 75(2). 128-134.
Rådestad, M., Jirwe, M., Castrén, M., Svensson, L., Gryth, D., & Rüter, A. (2013) Essential key process indicators to be included in a national uniform protocol for documentation of major incidents: A Delphi study. Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine, 21(1). 68. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24025366
Olt, H., Jirwe, M., Saboonchi, F., Gerrish, K., & Emami, A. (2014). Communication and equality in elderly care settings: perceptions of native Swedish, first- and second generation immigrant healthcare providers. Diversity and Equality in Health and Care, 11(2). 99-111.
Tavallalli, A., Nahar Kabir, Z., & Jirwe, M. (2014). Ethnic Swedish parents’ experiences of minority ethnic nurses’ cultural competence in Swedish pediatric care. Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences, 28(2). 255-263. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23647440?otool=karolib&tool=karolinska
Conte, H., Hjelmqvist, H.,Scheja, M. , & Jirwe, M. (2015). Exploring teams of learners becoming “we” in the Intensive Care Unit – a focused ethnographic study. BMC Medical Education, 15(131). http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/26277784
Conte, H., Jirwe, M., Scheja, M. & Hjelmqvist, H. (2016). Get it together: Issues that facilitate collaboration in teams of learners in intensive care? Medical Teacher, 38(5). 491-507. (JIF 2015: 2.335). http://www-ncbi-nlm-nih-gov.proxy.kib.ki.se/pubmed/26329103
Jirwe, M., Emami, A., & Gerrish, K. (2015). Learning to nurse in a multi-cultural society. Journal of Nursing & Care, 4:287. doi: 10.4172/2167-1168.1000287 http://www.omicsgroup.org/journals/learning-to-nurse-in-a-multicultural-society--the-experiences-of-nursing-students-in-sweden-2167-1168-1000287.pdf
Tavallalli, A., Jirwe, M., & Nahar Kabir, Z. (2017). Cross-cultural care encounters in Swedish pediatric care - Minority ethnic parents’ experiences. Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences, 31(1). 54-62.doi: 10.1111/scs.12314. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/26800093/
Hörberg, A., Jirwe, M., Karlén, S., Vincent, V., & Lindström, V. (2017) We need support! A Delphi study about desirable support during the first year in the Emergency Medical Service. Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine, 25:89 DOI: 10.1186/s13049-017-0434-5 https://link.springer.com/article/10.1186/s13049-017-0434-5/fulltext.html
Georg, C., Karlgren, K., N., Jirwe, M., Ulfvarson, J., & Welin Henriksson, E. (2018). A Rubric to Assess Students' Clinical Reasoning when Encountering Virtual Patients. Journal of Nursing Education, 57(5), 408-415. DOI: 10.3928/01484834-20180618-05
Ulfvarson, J., Oxelmark, L., & Jirwe, M. (2018). Assessment in clinical education: A comparison between a generic instrument and a course-specific criterion-based instrument. Nordic Journal of Nursing Research, 38(4), 220-226. https://doi.org/10.1177/2057158518768404
Hörberg, A., Karlén, S., Jirwe, M., Scheja, M., & Lindström, V. (2018). Treat me nice! –A survey study about important support during the first year in the Emergency Medical Services. Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and Emergency Medicin, 6;26(1)92. https://doi.org/10.1186/s13049-018-0561-7
Georg, C., Welin, E., Jirwe, M., Karlgren, K. & Ulfvarson, J. (2018) Psychometric Properties of the Virtual Patient Version of the Lasatar Clinical Judgment Rubric. Nurse Education in Practice, 38, 14-20 https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31174134/
Murphy, J., Rådestad, M., Kurland, L., Jirwe, M., Djalali, A., & Rüter, A. (2019). Emergency department registered nurses’ competencies in disaster medicine. A Delphi study. International Emergency Nursing,43, 84-91. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30528661/
Östh, J., Divan, V.K., Jirwe, M., Diwan, V., Choudhary, A., Mahadik, V.K., Pascoe, M., & Hallgren, M. (2019). Effects of yoga on well-being and healthy ageing: study protocol for a randomised controlled trial (FitForAge). BMJ Open, 2(9), 5-9 https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31147363/
Choudhary, A., Pathak, A., Manickam, P., Purohit, M., Rajasekhar, D.T., Dhoble, P., Sharma, A., Suliya, J., Apsingekar, D., Patil, V., Jaiswal, A., Gawarikar, S., Östh, J., Jirwe., M., Diwan, V.K., Hallgren, M., Mahadik, V.K., & Diwan, V. (2019). Effect of Yoga versus Light Exercise to Improve Well-Being and Promote Healthy Aging among Older Adults in Central India: A Study Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Trial. Geriatrics, 4(4).64. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31744171/
Epstein, M., Söderström, M., Jirwe, M., Tucker, P., & Dahlgren, A. (2020). Sleep and fatigue in newly graduated nurses - experiences and strategies for handling shiftwork. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 29(1-2). 184-194. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31609523/
de Lima, S., Kugelberg, M., & Jirwe, M. (2020). Congenital cataract in newborns, a qualitative study on parents’ experiences of the surgery and subsequent care Acta Ophthalmologica, 98 (6). 585-591. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32190986/
Kokkonen Nassef, S., Blennow Bohlin, M., & Jirwe, M. (2020). Parental viewpoints of therapeutic hypothermia in a neonatal intensive care unit implemented with family-centered care. Journal of Clinical Nursing. (Early view). https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32761952/
Wallhed Finn, S., Hammarberg, A., Andreasson, S., & Jirwe, M. (2020). Treating alcohol use disorders in primary care – a qualitative evaluation of a new innovation: the 15-method. (Accepted for publication in Scandinavian Journal of Primary Health Care).
Gaur, P., Choudhary, A., Chandra Sahoo, K., Jirwe, M., Hallgren, M., Diwan, V., Mahadik, V K., & Diwan, V. (2020). Experience of elderly people on effect of yoga and light-exercise on sedentary-behaviour: a longitudinal qualitative study in Madhya Pradesh, India. (Accepted for publication in Geriatrics).
de Lima, S., Kugelberg, M., & Jirwe, M. (2021). Parents’ experiences of adjustment and need for support when having a child with congenital cataract Journal of Paediatric Nursing, 60, 109-115. https://10.1016/j.pedn.2021.04.024
Pettersson, S., Holstein, J., Jirwe, M., Jaarsma, T., & Klompstra, L. (2021). Cultural Competence in Primary Care Professionals specialized in Diabetes – a descriptive study. Health and Social Care in the community (early view). https://10.1111/hsc.13442
Hyland, K., Hammarberg, A. Andreasson, S. & Jirwe, M. (2021). Treatment of alcohol use disorders in Primary care: perceptions among General Practitioners. Scandinavian Journal of Primary Health Care (early view) https://doi.org/10.1080/02813432.2021.1922834
Murphy, J., Hörberg, A., Rådestad, M., Kurland, L., Rüter, A., & Jirwe, M. (2022). Registered nurses’ experience as disaster preparedness coordinators of hospital incident command groups during a major incident. A qualitative study, 9. 329-338. https://doi-org.proxy.kib.ki.se/10.1002/nop2.1066
Schell, C.O., Khalid, K., Wharton‐Smith, A., Narotso Oliwa,J., Sawe, H.R., Roy, N., Sanga, A., Marshall, J.C., Rylance, J., Hanson, C., Kazidule Kayambankadzanja, R., Jirwe, M., & Baker, T. (2021). Essential Emergency and Critical Care – a consensus among global clinical experts. BMJ Global Health, 6:e006585. doi:10.1136/bmjgh-2021-006585 https://gh-bmj-com.proxy.kib.ki.se/content/6/9/e006585
Pettersson, S., Holstein, J., Jirwe, M., Jaarsma, T., & Klompstra, L. (2022). Cultural Competence in Primary Care Professionals specialized in Diabetes – a descriptive study. Health and Social Care in the community, 30(3): e717-e726.
Gunillasdotter, V., Andréasson, S., Jirwe, M., Ekblom, Ö., & Hallgren, M. (2022). Effects of exercise in non-treatment seeking adults with alcohol use disorder: a three-armed randomized controlled trial (FitForChange). Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 232, 109266.
Birke Englid, M., Jirwe, M., & Conte, H., & (2023). Perioperative comfort and discomfort: transitioning from epidural to oral pain treatment after pancreas surgery: a qualitative study. Journal of PeriAnesthesia Nursing, in press.
Gunillasdotter, V., Andréasson, S., Hallgren, M., & Jirwe, M. (2022) Exercise as treatment for alcohol use disorder: a qualitative study. Drug Alcohol Rev. 2022;1–11
Dabota Yvonne Buowari, Christian Owoo, Lalit Gupta, Carl Otto Schell, Tim Baker, The EECC Network Group (of which I am part of). (2022). Essential Emergency and Critical Care: a priority for health systems globally. Journal of Critical Care Clinics. 2022 Oct;38(4):639-656.
Gottvall, M., Brunell, C*., Eldebo, A*., Johansson Metso, F*., Jirwe, M., & Carlsson, T. (2023). Post-migration psychosocial experiences and challenges among LGBTQ+ forced migrants: a meta-synthesis of qualitative reports. Journal of Advanced nursing, 79(1):358-371.
Kokkonen Nassef, S., Blennow Bohlin, M., & Jirwe, M. (2023) Experiences of parents whose school aged children were treated with therapeutic hypothermia as newborns: A focus group study, Nursing Open, 10(11), 7411-7421. https://doi.org/10.1002/nop2.1994
Jirwe, M., Andreasson, S., & Wallhed Finn S. (2022). Alcohol dependence, treatment seeking and treatment preferences among elderly. Journal of Addiction Nursing, (in press).
Gottvall, M., Brunell, C., Eldebo, A., Kissiti, R., Mattsson, E., Jirwe, M., & Carlsson, T. (2023) Nursing education about forced migrants with diverse sexual orientations, gender identities, and gender expressions: an exploratory focus group study. Nurse Education Today. (in press).
Pettersson, S., Klompstra, L., Jirwe, M., & Jaarsma, T. (2023). Developing a culturally appropriate tool to support self-care in migrants with type 2 diabetes - a Co-design study. Accepted for publication in Patient Preference and Adherence. 17, 2557–2567.
Östh, J., Danielsson, A-K., Lundin, A., Wennberg, P, Andréasson, S., & Jirwe, M. (2023). Keeping track of my drinking - A qualitative study of patient perceptions of using smartphone applications as treatment complement for alcohol dependence. Substance Use and Misuse,
PubMed: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/?term=jirwe
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